
Did your parents also start treating sickness differently as soon as you started working?

I still live with mom because I'm in training. I remember that when I was younger and not working, my mom had the attitude that a sick person should lay down and rest. Now that I'm hit with the flu, her first concern was that I assure her that I'll go to work tomorrow, and that I take as much medication as possible so I can push through. Is this the reality of a worker? Filling yourself up with painkillers instead of recovering normally? Holy shit.

I still live with mom because I'm in training.
I remember that when I was younger and not working, my mom had the attitude that a sick person should lay down and rest. Now that I'm hit with the flu, her first concern was that I assure her that I'll go to work tomorrow, and that I take as much medication as possible so I can push through.

Is this the reality of a worker? Filling yourself up with painkillers instead of recovering normally? Holy shit.

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