
Didn’t get a job because I refused to pay out of my own pocket

I was getting a second job working in a lab for 25 hours a week. Pay was was okay. $15 is better than $8. I passed the interview with flying colors. The only issue with them is I'm double vaxxed and not triple vaxxed. I didn't want to get it because to me I believe with never having it and being in good health I didn't need 3. They told me if I didn't get it I'd have to sign a paper that stated if I got covid I wouldn't get covid pay. No problem I'll get the shot. And I did get the third shot. I sent them the new card. They told me the night before I started for 2 weeks I'd need to take covid tests before every shift. I said no problem because I'm not sick. So no worries. When I got there they told me…

I was getting a second job working in a lab for 25 hours a week. Pay was was okay. $15 is better than $8. I passed the interview with flying colors. The only issue with them is I'm double vaxxed and not triple vaxxed. I didn't want to get it because to me I believe with never having it and being in good health I didn't need 3. They told me if I didn't get it I'd have to sign a paper that stated if I got covid I wouldn't get covid pay. No problem I'll get the shot. And I did get the third shot. I sent them the new card. They told me the night before I started for 2 weeks I'd need to take covid tests before every shift. I said no problem because I'm not sick. So no worries. When I got there they told me to go to the hospital and take it. I thought they had the at home tests. Whatever I'll go. They inform me I'll need to pay $50 for the test. This job wants me to go 4 days for 2 weeks to spend $50 before every shift. I told them I'm not paying out of my pocket for it. They got mad about it saying it's my responsibility. I quit right then. My parents don't agree with what I did and should've just paid. I think it's the jobs responsibility to do it. I even offered to get to bring in the at the home tests I have and take it in front of them. But they were dead set on me spending $50 everyday before work.

Who's in the wrong?

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