
Didn’t get paid again

For the third time I didn't get the correct amount on my check this week. The bosses for the three levels above me recently.left and were replaced with new people. They said I hadn't been entering my times correctly and that's why I haven't gotten paid correctly three times now. They never told me to change how I do anything so I'm just screwed until someone at the main office can do something about it towards the end of next week so I told them I'm not working again until I get paid as I'm not a volunteer. I actually really do like what I do but I'm not doing for free. Another branch in our state is about 1.5 times the size of ours and they have 3 people doing my job that I handle by myself part time. I also keep us in compliance with the government and…

For the third time I didn't get the correct amount on my check this week. The bosses for the three levels above me recently.left and were replaced with new people. They said I hadn't been entering my times correctly and that's why I haven't gotten paid correctly three times now. They never told me to change how I do anything so I'm just screwed until someone at the main office can do something about it towards the end of next week so I told them I'm not working again until I get paid as I'm not a volunteer. I actually really do like what I do but I'm not doing for free.

Another branch in our state is about 1.5 times the size of ours and they have 3 people doing my job that I handle by myself part time. I also keep us in compliance with the government and without that they don't pay us for our services which is about 90% of our income.

The best thing was when I told my boss I won't be coming in until I get paid. You could tell how angry she was over the phone. When her boss comes in I can only imagine how pissed off she'll be. I'm honestly looking forward to sitting in the inevitable meeting with those two when I get back too. Why?

After I got off the phone with my boss I called our main competitor. We had a rather short conversation and I nkw have a job offer lined up with them. I can't wait to tell the bosses that when they start getting mad at me next week!

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