
Didn’t get scheduled at all this week. Am I overreacting when I say that this should be illegal?

If we are stuck in a shitty system where the only way you can even EXIST is via backbreaking labor, then whoever is employed should be entitled to at least a few hours, SOMETHING, each week. I recently started at this place. It's just another shitty fast food joint, so whatever. I had to quit my last one over OSHA and health code violations and I quit the one before that because they were putting too much on me so I've been around lol. This is going to be my 4th-ish week there. My first week, I got 30 hours, 2nd 38, 3rd… 20, and now, 0. Up front, I told my manager I needed AT MINIMUM 30-35 hours to get by. He clearly doesn't give a shit (*shocker*), but this shit is just ridiculous. I go from getting praised by the shift lead who no one has been able…

If we are stuck in a shitty system where the only way you can even EXIST is via backbreaking labor, then whoever is employed should be entitled to at least a few hours, SOMETHING, each week.

I recently started at this place. It's just another shitty fast food joint, so whatever. I had to quit my last one over OSHA and health code violations and I quit the one before that because they were putting too much on me so I've been around lol. This is going to be my 4th-ish week there. My first week, I got 30 hours, 2nd 38, 3rd… 20, and now, 0.

Up front, I told my manager I needed AT MINIMUM 30-35 hours to get by. He clearly doesn't give a shit (*shocker*), but this shit is just ridiculous. I go from getting praised by the shift lead who no one has been able to get a compliment out of to fucking nothing?? Okay.

I have two theories on why: they hired on too many people and are now trying to get me to quit OR this is my punishment for refusing to walk to work during the winter storm the midwest just got hit with – it was -1 Fahrenheit (felt like -34 according to my weather app) with 22mph winds all day in my city mind you.

Sorry, I just needed a place to rant that wasn't going to pull the typical boomer “clearly you weren't working hard enough/sucking up to your boss enough” bs. I don't know what the fuck to do and I'm just fucking irritated with my job, with capitalism, with fucking everything. I hope it's just taking awhile for the schedule to go through or something because I need those hours.

Let this be a reminder you can do everything right at your job and they still won't give a fuck about you.

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