
Didn’t get the job, and thought that was the worst of it.

Currently working for a large, multi-billion dollar company. I was contracted to work for this company for 12-months starting in February of this year. I don't normally take contract jobs because I'm not in a position financially to not have the security of a full-time, permanent job. After some motivation from the company, I accepted and moved from out of state for this position because I was told that this contract was guaranteed to last the year and that it was guaranteed to be renewed. So, my place at the company was guaranteed. I turned down other permanent positions for this role because honestly they just couldn't match the compensation – not even close. I ended up working on a small team of about 10 people at this company. On that team of 10, the only full time position was our manager. The rest of us were contractors. I made…

Currently working for a large, multi-billion dollar company. I was contracted to work for this company for 12-months starting in February of this year. I don't normally take contract jobs because I'm not in a position financially to not have the security of a full-time, permanent job.

After some motivation from the company, I accepted and moved from out of state for this position because I was told that this contract was guaranteed to last the year and that it was guaranteed to be renewed. So, my place at the company was guaranteed. I turned down other permanent positions for this role because honestly they just couldn't match the compensation – not even close.

I ended up working on a small team of about 10 people at this company. On that team of 10, the only full time position was our manager. The rest of us were contractors.

I made an impact from the start and made it a point to learn what I didn't know by going through trainings and achieving certifications for this job while I was employed for it. Management called out my efforts more than once and praised me for it. I even got shout outs from the directors of the division I supported.

Last month, the department was approved to add two full-time positions to their roster, and I was asked to apply. I went through three drawn-out interviews and didn't get hired. No big deal, I still have six months on my contract, and it was guaranteed that my contract would be renewed.

Or so I thought. This morning, I got a call from my manager explaining why they chose to go with their choice, that the selection process was very competitive, and blah blah blah. Okay, great. Then, she told me that due to the restructuring of the department, my position along with the others was eliminated.

My savings was depleted from the move here six months ago. I have no leads and was given two weeks to find a new job in a state where me, my husband, and our young son are completely alone. We only recently found a little home to rent, and now we're probably going to lose it and destroy our credit in the process and any hope of renting again in the near future along with it.

But don't worry, they offered their condolences and told me to keep my eye out to apply for future opportunities with the company.

Tl;dr – the management team failed to tell us is that they got the approval to add two full time positions by eliminating all of the contractors positions. I have two weeks to find a new job or I'm fucked.

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