
difference between union and non-union

The company I work for unionized a few years ago. ​ Just to give everyone an idea of the difference between unionized and non-unionized work: county: Israel Sick days: Before union: paid as required by law (first day not paid, 2nd-3rd 50% daily pay, 4th and on 75%) After union: paid 100% daily from day one. Salary: Before union: fixed, you could negotiate your salary but nothing promised a raise at any point. After union: fixed starting salary, negotiable after 1 year, yearly raises for workers over 4 years based on performance regardless of any other raises given during the year (2%-5% raise) ​ Convalescence fees: A short explanation because idk how this works elsewhere in the world. Here every worker over 1 year is entitled to a yearly bonus that is calculated as follows: 1-2 year hourly pay*8 (8 hour work day)*job partiality percentage*Factor Factor is determined by law…

The company I work for unionized a few years ago.

Just to give everyone an idea of the difference between unionized and non-unionized work:

county: Israel

Sick days:

Before union: paid as required by law (first day not paid, 2nd-3rd 50% daily pay, 4th and on 75%)

After union: paid 100% daily from day one.


Before union: fixed, you could negotiate your salary but nothing promised a raise at any point.

After union: fixed starting salary, negotiable after 1 year, yearly raises for workers over 4 years based on performance regardless of any other raises given during the year (2%-5% raise)

Convalescence fees:

A short explanation because idk how this works elsewhere in the world.

Here every worker over 1 year is entitled to a yearly bonus that is calculated as follows:

1-2 year hourly pay*8 (8 hour work day)*job partiality percentage*Factor

Factor is determined by law as follows:

1-2 years Factor=5

2-3 years Factor=6

4-10 years Factor=7

11-15 years Factor=8

15-20 years Factor=9

20+ years Factor=10

Before union:

a worker that works part-time (say 75%) for 30 ILS would get 30*8*0.75*5= 900 ILS

a worker that works full time for 40 ILS would get 40*8*1*6= 1920 ILS

After union:

the factor stays the same, so does the percentage, but what changed is how the pay is calculated.

as long as Hourly Pay*8 >500 you get 500 ILS

meaning the same workers as before, the first one would get 500*0.75*5= 1875 ILS while the second one would get 500*1*6= 3000 ILS

firing any worker over one year requires a legitimate reason from a list of posible ones from the union's aproved reasons, firing a worker of over 4 years requires authorization from a union representative and can be made either after said worker did something extremely harmfull or after a process that lasts over 6 months,

in which the worker can demonstrate improvement and so wont need to be fired.

there were many other changes that benefitted both workers and company, but those are ones i remember and have seen in efect.

the workplace has turned so much better after unionizing and most people are actually glad to be working there, it made a huge impact for all of us.

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