
Disabled not stupid

So my boss, not the worst, and not the worst job I have had by far, is suddenly very interested in finishing the end of the month tasks, his responsibility, with me, yesterday. He usually leaves most of this until later in that particular week. Then he is just as suddenly “sick” today and possibly tomorrow. Dammit, if management can regard sick call-ins with automatic skepticism, double should go back to them since here they get paid sick days and we have no recourse other than losing pay or taking it out of PTO. I call BS. I recently qualified as disabled, due to an official autism spectrum diagnosis. The response has not been complete lack of acknowledgement, but selective acknowledgement as it fits their agendas. I have an application in with the local service that helps match the disabled with fitting work. I followed up today, hoping to at…

So my boss, not the worst, and not the worst job I have had by far, is suddenly very interested in finishing the end of the month tasks, his responsibility, with me, yesterday. He usually leaves most of this until later in that particular week.

Then he is just as suddenly “sick” today and possibly tomorrow. Dammit, if management can regard sick call-ins with automatic skepticism, double should go back to them since here they get paid sick days and we have no recourse other than losing pay or taking it out of PTO. I call BS.

I recently qualified as disabled, due to an official autism spectrum diagnosis. The response has not been complete lack of acknowledgement, but selective acknowledgement as it fits their agendas.

I have an application in with the local service that helps match the disabled with fitting work. I followed up today, hoping to at least come up with a backup plan of I ever want to bail on short notice.

I am told how great I am at what I do, but the only halfway significant raise, which I requested and reminded them about time after time, is less than 5 percent, not in keeping with inflation or the present job market.

And he and his long-time BFF lackey pulled something similar several months ago. Suddenly they are both “covid positive” on the same morning, leaving someone with a known cognitive disability alone in taking care of 180 rooms in a senior living facility alone. No symptoms and they returned the next week, though they pestered me on the phone often enough.

Forgive me if I reading more into this than I should, but I am feeling that my productivity, and unusual willingness to do a good job, perhaps because/in spite of my limitations is being taken advantage of here. It's a testimony to my tenacity that someone like myself is working full time at all. Sometimes I have to wonder why I bother.

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