

Today I was pulled into the office at work. I am now 32 weeks pregnant I work full-time. My job told me it was a “performance improvement.” A fancy term for a write up. I have only been with the company now 3 months and my due date is late October. So, I'm taking a short term disability leave in mid October. I work with children who have disabilities at a center. I was told by my management that I am failing to accommodate my clients behaviors. I asked for more details. I barely got a response back. I told them all the times I've reached out for help or advice and was ignored by management. We are lucky if they even show up to our center let alone assist us with the kids. I am still new and learning this job. I found this “performance improvement,” to be too…

Today I was pulled into the office at work. I am now 32 weeks pregnant I work full-time.

My job told me it was a “performance improvement.” A fancy term for a write up. I have only been with the company now 3 months and my due date is late October.

So, I'm taking a short term disability leave in mid October. I work with children who have disabilities at a center.

I was told by my management that I am failing to accommodate my clients behaviors. I asked for more details. I barely got a response back. I told them all the times I've reached out for help or advice and was ignored by management. We are lucky if they even show up to our center let alone assist us with the kids.

I am still new and learning this job. I found this “performance improvement,” to be too early and quite frankly unfair due to my current condition. I really need this job.

I plan on filling a complaint with our cooperate HR on discrimination tomorrow. Wish me luck. 🤞

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