
Discussing salary at work made me put my two-week notice in, but I left one day after that.

I’ve worked for this bagel shop for a little more than four years now. For the first three years I would go above and beyond but finally realized this last year that I could just do the bare minimum and they wouldn’t care. $17/hr + tips isn’t bad when you’re just making dough for a few hours then chilling on your phone the rest of the day. That was until I found out the “general manager” they hired 6 months ago started at $17 and is now making $23/hr (no tips but still about $3-4 dollars than me). If this dude was actually competent I probably wouldn’t be mad but I can do everything he does and way more efficient. He can’t do one part of my job. It’s the fact that I have been here longer than anyone else, more reliable than anyone else and they haven’t even offered…

I’ve worked for this bagel shop for a little more than four years now. For the first three years I would go above and beyond but finally realized this last year that I could just do the bare minimum and they wouldn’t care. $17/hr + tips isn’t bad when you’re just making dough for a few hours then chilling on your phone the rest of the day. That was until I found out the “general manager” they hired 6 months ago started at $17 and is now making $23/hr (no tips but still about $3-4 dollars than me). If this dude was actually competent I probably wouldn’t be mad but I can do everything he does and way more efficient. He can’t do one part of my job. It’s the fact that I have been here longer than anyone else, more reliable than anyone else and they haven’t even offered me a raise in about two years. I only got a dollar raise from $16 last year because I complained. This is a small business that treated me like family so I figured when I complained about this and put my two weeks in they would try to offer me something to stay. Nope. They were completely fine with it. Gave another employee who makes $17 a raise though (They were hired around the same time as me but quit and came back twice). After learning that, I just decided to not finish my two weeks. And honestly, if it wasn’t for this sub I probably would have just stayed for a few more months and been miserable. Now I’m not working for the first time in years and I’m the most free I’ve ever felt since a child. Wish I could feel like this all the time. I actually was able to enjoy a Saturday morning in the park not having to work.

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