
discussion with coworker who owns a small business on the side. eye opening what some employers actually think

So my coworker who owns a small business with his wjfe was discussing how much people don't want to work these days, how he can't hire good help, blah blah blah. So I asked how much he was paying.. he said 16/h for no explanation. (Disaster restoration company) I mentioned that our local McDonald's and most fast food restaraunts, gas stations etc are paying at least 17 starting, and that's why hrs having a hard time keeping people. Of course this set the man on a rant about how my generation thinks they are entitled to high wages without earning it. How we just get handed everything these days, and how we are the reason everything costs so much nowadays. And the fast food workers suck and mess up his orders anyways, they should make minimum wage. This divulged into us arguing that minimum wage needs to be higher because…

So my coworker who owns a small business with his wjfe was discussing how much people don't want to work these days, how he can't hire good help, blah blah blah.

So I asked how much he was paying.. he said 16/h for no explanation. (Disaster restoration company) I mentioned that our local McDonald's and most fast food restaraunts, gas stations etc are paying at least 17 starting, and that's why hrs having a hard time keeping people.

Of course this set the man on a rant about how my generation thinks they are entitled to high wages without earning it. How we just get handed everything these days, and how we are the reason everything costs so much nowadays. And the fast food workers suck and mess up his orders anyways, they should make minimum wage.

This divulged into us arguing that minimum wage needs to be higher because it currently doesn't support a minimum acceptable standard of living anymore…
He disagreed saying that min wage jobs should be done exclusively by high school and college kids so they can save up while their parents pay bills. At this point I knew I wasn't going to reason with him.. but I asked him some questions about why he thought what he did… challenged some of his views and he just got mad, told me i don't understand because my generation is entitled and thinks we need to get handed everything. (>kept my cool and stayed professional, but this annoyed me.. I'm a single income for a family of 5, I work hard to keep things together, and I do alright I have a decent career for not having a college degree. Make above mediam income for my area and im under 30 etc….)

But idk this dude is a small business owner, employs people and expects them to want to work for less than most fast food/gas stations. He holds some weird resentment towards younger generations for wanting to make more money? I'm sure alot of you on this sub have had bosses with this mentality, I don't work for him, but talking to him was enough for me to know I'd never want to be his employee…. people like him are the problem.

I'm not necessarily anti work.. but I feel like if you are going to work you need tk make sure it's the best deal possible for you.. there are options. The job market is good rn.. be picky, don't stay in a bad job thats giving you less. Don't work for guys like my coworker.

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