
dishwashing nightmare

M 28, be engaged and steady. Pick up simple dish job during time I need to apply for school, find a day job, etc. Find out we are short when I start. Oh they will raise my pay if things go well. 1st week. Ears ringing from the nephew of owner family. Week 2, realize I have to manage said kid. M20. Week 3, my creative arts with the burden of trashy little desserts is running dry with FOH demanding things I cannot do with every single thing full working at a brisk pace. Week 4. I am fed up, no one listens to my complaints to every team lead about needs and safety precautions. I've smoked so I don't have the best lungs. But I'm fit. And this should not be an issue. The vent fan was broken in the one place there was a vent. The room is…

M 28, be engaged and steady. Pick up simple dish job during time I need to apply for school, find a day job, etc. Find out we are short when I start. Oh they will raise my pay if things go well. 1st week. Ears ringing from the nephew of owner family. Week 2, realize I have to manage said kid. M20. Week 3, my creative arts with the burden of trashy little desserts is running dry with FOH demanding things I cannot do with every single thing full working at a brisk pace. Week 4. I am fed up, no one listens to my complaints to every team lead about needs and safety precautions. I've smoked so I don't have the best lungs. But I'm fit. And this should not be an issue. The vent fan was broken in the one place there was a vent. The room is small with a dessert/prep station. Mold is every where in nooks and crannies. The machine for washing is not meant to be operated in confined spaces. The AC on the wall sprays rust water on dishes. They even ask we don't use a cart on weekends because it's too loud. When both of us have carpel tunnel from manually carrying (by the end of the shift) hundreds of pounds of dishes 30yds. I reported the stuff not up to code to the city and DOH. Nothing happened. Last night there were three tables left. I closed up perfectly like my 10+ years of experience taught me. Grabbed my things. And the lead actually physically blocked the door, after I clocked out. To which I obviously and easily pushed past him. He said I'm fired and I only feel blessed. I chortled thank you so much as I walked out with my beers at half price. Should I pursue more action? I want the crew that is currently suffering to have a better life. The guy who trained us was a minority alcoholic who worshipped the job and came in on weekends just to do more cleaning. Sad. He got cancer 10 years into his work there. I wonder why. They even try to say it's a family there and they all have bad days or whatever complete BS people spew to manipulate and use up humans.

Got dish job. They wanted more. Small local place. Nephew of family is my coworker. Total Dbag. Lazy. I end up using experience I'm not being paid for. No one in management responds to not up to code dish room complaints. Complain to city. Nothing happens. Closed up just fine and clocked out. Manager blocked door. Got fired for leaving after my job was done. Thanked them kindly.

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