
Dispelling the myth about American taxes/healthcare

In another thread someone was saying how Canadian taxes are significantly higher in Canada and “Healthcare isn't really free.” I hear that a lot and it's honestly not true for most people. If you are making less than 100k, taxes between Canada and the USA states are comparable (especially the states in the East and North). Sometimes they are HIGHER. Obviously I can't plug in every salary for every state and province, but you can easily take your salary and use online calculators to figure out your take home in various states or provinces. (Obviously it fluctuates based on exchange rate but the percentages stay the same.) As an example: Single person, making CAD $87,006.55 (USD$ 67, 521) Ontario:Personal tax (Federal+Provincial combined) CAD$ 18334 CPP CAD$ 3500 CAD EI 953 CAD Net Take Home $64,219 CAD ( $49,837 USD) New york county, New york: Federal tax USD $7852 FICA USD$6156…

In another thread someone was saying how Canadian taxes are significantly higher in Canada and “Healthcare isn't really free.”

I hear that a lot and it's honestly not true for most people. If you are making less than 100k, taxes between Canada and the USA states are comparable (especially the states in the East and North). Sometimes they are HIGHER.

Obviously I can't plug in every salary for every state and province, but you can easily take your salary and use online calculators to figure out your take home in various states or provinces. (Obviously it fluctuates based on exchange rate but the percentages stay the same.)

As an example: Single person, making CAD $87,006.55 (USD$ 67, 521)

Ontario:Personal tax (Federal+Provincial combined) CAD$ 18334


EI 953 CAD

Net Take Home $64,219 CAD ( $49,837 USD)

New york county, New york:

Federal tax USD $7852


State USD$3,318

Local USD$2,182

Take home USD$49,013 ( CAD$63,157.17)

Is universal healthcare not worth ~800$ a year to you?

It's only the states with no state tax that you are doing better than Canada, and usually those are the states with crumbling infrastructure beyond just no healthcare.

You are being lied to. Canadian taxes are not as high as they try to make them out to be and there is no reason your country can't have universal healthcare other than they all make money of the medical care system and don't want to kill their cash cow.

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