
Division is a tactic of our oppressors.

I wish I was gaslit better tbh. I see all the problems, all the suffering, the wealth concentration, the abuse of each other, I see the bucket, I know I'm a crab, and I know I'm just here to serve the wealthy at their leisure. I wish I was blind and happy in my ignorance, but they got too greedy and stopped allowing us even a modest existence and now all I can see is we have to confront it, but it will be painful and bloody. What we need to realize is they've created “teams” and set us against each other when everyone is feeling the same desperation, anger, and fear and we just don't know where to put it. It serves the wealthy to focus more on our differences than our similarities. United we stand, divided we crawl.

I wish I was gaslit better tbh. I see all the problems, all the suffering, the wealth concentration, the abuse of each other, I see the bucket, I know I'm a crab, and I know I'm just here to serve the wealthy at their leisure.

I wish I was blind and happy in my ignorance, but they got too greedy and stopped allowing us even a modest existence and now all I can see is we have to confront it, but it will be painful and bloody.

What we need to realize is they've created “teams” and set us against each other when everyone is feeling the same desperation, anger, and fear and we just don't know where to put it. It serves the wealthy to focus more on our differences than our similarities.

United we stand, divided we crawl.

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