
Do Americans just not get protests? The purpose of them?

So not trying to like be nitpicky about HOW to protest. More like just the purpose. I've seen so many posts and experienced this at a protest just this last weekend. Sentiments like; “Don't protest on the road, people will turn against you” and others like it. Basically if it's an inconvenience, suddenly supporters will turn against you? I'd argue they weren't supporters to begin with if they say “Well I was late to work so women shouldn't have body autonomy”. It's the same sentiment with strikes. They say “Grow up”. Americans are taught protests are just for awareness even in schools when talking about the Civil Rights Movement, women's rights and worker's rights. But they're not. Most people knew workers wanted rights and women wanted votes in the early 1900's, everyone knew the Civil Rights Movement wanted desegregation in the 50's and 60's. Everyone knows about the abortion debate…

So not trying to like be nitpicky about HOW to protest. More like just the purpose.
I've seen so many posts and experienced this at a protest just this last weekend. Sentiments like;
“Don't protest on the road, people will turn against you” and others like it.
Basically if it's an inconvenience, suddenly supporters will turn against you? I'd argue they weren't supporters to begin with if they say “Well I was late to work so women shouldn't have body autonomy”.
It's the same sentiment with strikes. They say “Grow up”.

Americans are taught protests are just for awareness even in schools when talking about the Civil Rights Movement, women's rights and worker's rights. But they're not. Most people knew workers wanted rights and women wanted votes in the early 1900's, everyone knew the Civil Rights Movement wanted desegregation in the 50's and 60's. Everyone knows about the abortion debate now. Thousands of people died during those protests.

It's not about awareness; it's about power. Collective power specifically. It's a lot easier to silence one person than 1000s. It's also easier to arrest one rather than 1000s. It also shows the opposition that a large portion of people will not back down in the face of adversity, even violence. It allows people who feel alone in the struggle to give them hope and realize they aren't.
Am I missing something here?? American born, raised and living here in a deep red state so my world experience is inherently limited but this is what I've picked up on. I'm curious to know how other places view the purpose of protesting.

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