
Do employers realize their “entry level” requirements are discouraging good potential employees?

I remember back in the day, like pre 2015 or so, it was so easy to find an “entry level” job or switch industries because all you needed were skills. I would say I have great skills that can transfer across industries, but these new employers want years of specific experience and its so unnecessary. Things they're asking for are what training is for. Its not difficult to train a competent adult. Now even if you have skills to complete the job they still was 1-5 years of experience to even apply. Who tf is applying for these jobs? I guess someone that hates their current job, but they wouldn't be entry level at that point. These requirements seem toxic off the bat too, and they make me think the job would be stressful. I've read posts where people say apply anyway which I will probably do. I also googled…

I remember back in the day, like pre 2015 or so, it was so easy to find an “entry level” job or switch industries because all you needed were skills. I would say I have great skills that can transfer across industries, but these new employers want years of specific experience and its so unnecessary. Things they're asking for are what training is for. Its not difficult to train a competent adult. Now even if you have skills to complete the job they still was 1-5 years of experience to even apply. Who tf is applying for these jobs? I guess someone that hates their current job, but they wouldn't be entry level at that point. These requirements seem toxic off the bat too, and they make me think the job would be stressful. I've read posts where people say apply anyway which I will probably do. I also googled this concern and indeed or linkedin recommends to intern or volunteer. Lmfao wtf is this new society? Do these people want workers or not?

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