
Do I have a case ? Or should I just move on

Howdy all. I was wondering if this case was worth pursuing or if I should just wait it out get fired and collect unemployment. So here’s the background. I’m currently pregnant , and I have been diagnosed with some complications relating to pregnancy that cause me to faint sometimes, and when I faint my doctor said explicitly I shouldn’t drive because I may faint behind the wheel. So my owner (she is the main owner. This is a locally owned ma and pa business and she’s the only head) kinda hates me being pregnant. She loathes that I won’t lift heavy stuff, and that I sometimes need time off due to fainting spells. She sends me really rude messages saying I’m being over dramatic or she doesn’t think my situation is an emergency that requires calling off. She also says slurs, and racist prejudice remarks at work while talking to…

Howdy all. I was wondering if this case was worth pursuing or if I should just wait it out get fired and collect unemployment.

So here’s the background. I’m currently pregnant , and I have been diagnosed with some complications relating to pregnancy that cause me to faint sometimes, and when I faint my doctor said explicitly I shouldn’t drive because I may faint behind the wheel.

So my owner (she is the main owner. This is a locally owned ma and pa business and she’s the only head) kinda hates me being pregnant. She loathes that I won’t lift heavy stuff, and that I sometimes need time off due to fainting spells.

She sends me really rude messages saying I’m being over dramatic or she doesn’t think my situation is an emergency that requires calling off.
She also says slurs, and racist prejudice remarks at work while talking to other people
(She loves to use the r word, and make fun of Asian people)

She also allows customers to bring in alcohol and drink, and the employees also drink occasionally on the job.

She also loves to say to me that people who have mental health disorders or people who use government assistance should have their kids taken from them (I’m on government Medicaid and I also have MH issues)

I’m just curious if any of these are firm and good reasons to file a complaint and if it is where would I file said complaint ?

Thanks in advance.

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