
Do I have any case for wrongful termination based on retaliation?

I was fired today and want to see what options I have. My job was great before my company hired a new boss about 3 months ago. In short time (1.5 months) he displayed to myself and our team that he was not very qualified. Myself and two other directors had a skip level meeting with my old boss who is my new boss’s boss. My old boss wasn’t interested in us genuinely telling him the issues, but we left it at that. Since then the team environment continues to get worse even though the three of us were star performers; we received positive reviews, one person got a raise and I received a bonus. One director was let go for culture concerns whenever he was one of a few people disagreeing openly in a few team meetings. Another director found another job as he was fed up with the…

I was fired today and want to see what options I have.

My job was great before my company hired a new boss about 3 months ago. In short time (1.5 months) he displayed to myself and our team that he was not very qualified. Myself and two other directors had a skip level meeting with my old boss who is my new boss’s boss.

My old boss wasn’t interested in us genuinely telling him the issues, but we left it at that.

Since then the team environment continues to get worse even though the three of us were star performers; we received positive reviews, one person got a raise and I received a bonus.

One director was let go for culture concerns whenever he was one of a few people disagreeing openly in a few team meetings.

Another director found another job as he was fed up with the environment and was underpaid.

I was let go today after I accidentally sent some criticizing messages about my boss to a public Slack channel instead of a private channel with some confidantes. The reason was “a lack of trust”.

Additionally, prior to this, I wanted to work within a new role on the team which was granted, but this new role was far from what was agreed upon and a gross misuse of my talent.

So the three directors who were in that meeting were either fired or forced to find new employment and I was essentially put into a new role which I consider a demotion when I was a star performer.

Is there anything here?

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