
Do I have any leg to stand on here?

So I’m a manager at a hair salon. I work on a fixed schedule. Today is my day off. At 8:30am I was asked if I could work for someone, I can’t. My day off. I have plans with my kids. My boss texts me and asks if I can just bring my kids into work until someone else shows up to cover the rest of the shift, there was no one else to cover the rest of the shift so she expected me to sit at work with both of my kids until 5pm. So my boss goes in to cover for an hour or so and leaves because she tells me “this is keeping me from my responsibilities” as if I don’t have responsibilities of my own. I made a point to remind her of that but she she kept pressing and begging me to come into work.…

So I’m a manager at a hair salon. I work on a fixed schedule. Today is my day off. At 8:30am I was asked if I could work for someone, I can’t. My day off. I have plans with my kids. My boss texts me and asks if I can just bring my kids into work until someone else shows up to cover the rest of the shift, there was no one else to cover the rest of the shift so she expected me to sit at work with both of my kids until 5pm. So my boss goes in to cover for an hour or so and leaves because she tells me “this is keeping me from my responsibilities” as if I don’t have responsibilities of my own. I made a point to remind her of that but she she kept pressing and begging me to come into work. I can not and I will not.
We have a heated back and forth where I give a few examples of times when I’ve been in need and no one has battened down the hatches for me and again, my scheduled day off. My free time.

Now, Maryland is an at will employer state so legally there isn’t much going on here but I hate being made to feel like I’m in the wrong when I don’t think I am.
Any advice?

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