
Do I have any legal recourse for the way my boss has been treating me and lying to me?

I have been working at this restaurant for a year now. 4 months ago, I asked for a raise directly to the owner/boss. We have been chronically understaffed in BoH and I have really stepped up, lots of hours, extra work, etc. I was already being underpaid for my years of experience in this cuisine. Anyway, I was denied on my initial request for a raise, stings, so I started searching more and more for a new job. My chef tells the owner a few days later that he better give me a raise, I deserve it and I’ll quit otherwise. So the next week I sit down with the owner and he tells me he’s giving me a raise. While the raise agreement wasn’t in writing, it was confirmed in conversation, and I have multiple witnesses. I look closely at my paychecks and realize the last few months of…

I have been working at this restaurant for a year now. 4 months ago, I asked for a raise directly to the owner/boss. We have been chronically understaffed in BoH and I have really stepped up, lots of hours, extra work, etc. I was already being underpaid for my years of experience in this cuisine. Anyway, I was denied on my initial request for a raise, stings, so I started searching more and more for a new job. My chef tells the owner a few days later that he better give me a raise, I deserve it and I’ll quit otherwise. So the next week I sit down with the owner and he tells me he’s giving me a raise. While the raise agreement wasn’t in writing, it was confirmed in conversation, and I have multiple witnesses. I look closely at my paychecks and realize the last few months of my labor was being paid at my old rate, not reflecting the raise I was given. So when I confronted the owner about that, very professionally mind you, he said I was threatening him. I asked for back pay and to update my rate. He then asks me if I deserve the raise, I say yes of course, he still doesn’t give me the raise and even says “you know, I was about to give you a raise tomorrow but your attitude about this ruined it”.

So my main point, do I have legal power to get the money he owes me and to be paid at a higher rate?

Don’t worry y’all, I will quit as soon as I sign a lease on a new apartment.

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