
Do I reach out again?

About a month ago, I applied to a job for a company I really liked. I had heard great things about them and everything they did lined up with my interests. I decided to send in an application. I was given a response a couple days later from a recruiter saying she wanted to set up a quick interview call. The call went EXTREMELY well, and the lady boasted about how great my resume was, and how the entire team has been looking at my resume and how I am a perfect fit. She immediately scheduled a second interview with the head of the department. The second interview with the head of the department went great again. She was extremely impressed and basically made it seem like I was the one they wanted to hire. She stated multiple times how my resume stood out among everyone else, and how good…

About a month ago, I applied to a job for a company I really liked. I had heard great things about them and everything they did lined up with my interests. I decided to send in an application.

I was given a response a couple days later from a recruiter saying she wanted to set up a quick interview call. The call went EXTREMELY well, and the lady boasted about how great my resume was, and how the entire team has been looking at my resume and how I am a perfect fit. She immediately scheduled a second interview with the head of the department.

The second interview with the head of the department went great again. She was extremely impressed and basically made it seem like I was the one they wanted to hire. She stated multiple times how my resume stood out among everyone else, and how good a candidate I was. Sure enough, I was invited to a third interview to meet the entire department.

I was invited to a third interview to meet the whole team. They gave me the chance of doing it either virtually or in person. I went the extra mile and decided to meet the team in person. (Mind you, I am the first person that has interviewed in person with this department in OVER 2 YEARS.) Anyway, this was a long day of about 7 interviews which all went well.

Two days go by, and I am given a “project” to complete by the next week. This was the final step. Easy work. I took my time to perfect this assignment and went above and beyond. Creating a 20 page document, and way more than I was asked. In total, I probably worked about 16 hours on this assignment. I turned it in very confidently and was excited to receive a response.

Today, I saw an email from the company. Note: the email was sent by a “noreply” automated email account for the company. It basically said that although they were impressed with my skills, they have decided not to pursue with me.

After all that time? Hours of work, hours of interviewing, being told how great I am, how I am the perfect fit, how nobody else had such a good resume… All I get is an automated response? Is this real life?

Do I even send a follow up asking for feedback? Is this really how job searches work? I would understand if it was after maybe an interview or initial app. But for all the time I put into this, and I only get that in response?

TL;DR: Applied to a company. Was told how great my resume was, how much they wanted me, how im a perfect fit. Went through 4 rounds of interviews, a week long project, only to be denied via an automated email with no feedback. Do I even reach out again?

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