
Do not let managers bully you into paying for their errors

Just remembered this story but I started a new job a couple years ago at a pizza chain restaurant. In which I was a server/CSR/cook essentially, the job was horrible to say the least. On my first night there, the manager charged an order to my till, but didn't cash it out in terms of putting the money for it into the till. Which meant when I counted my till to leave for the night, it was of course 35$ dollars short. Now at the time, and I should have known better, I was naive in that I both didn't want to new job, nor get arrested. As they threatened to call the police given they thought I stole the money which simply wasn't true. In which they made me pull money out of my wallet, and another coworker helped to cover the 35$ short. Well it turned out…

Just remembered this story but I started a new job a couple years ago at a pizza chain restaurant. In which I was a server/CSR/cook essentially, the job was horrible to say the least. On my first night there, the manager charged an order to my till, but didn't cash it out in terms of putting the money for it into the till. Which meant when I counted my till to leave for the night, it was of course 35$ dollars short.

Now at the time, and I should have known better, I was naive in that I both didn't want to new job, nor get arrested. As they threatened to call the police given they thought I stole the money which simply wasn't true. In which they made me pull money out of my wallet, and another coworker helped to cover the 35$ short. Well it turned out the manger was a dumbass and charged my till like I said, in which I thankfully got my money back and gave the coworkers money back too the next day. In which I got an apology from them as well.

Yet the take away was never pay them anything at all, restaurants as part of their coats are supposed to factor in losses. Along with them they cannot make you pay anything either when a till is short. If they of course think you stole them they can fire you or call the police, yet when they go through the end of night closing procedures the error will show and come back to bite them in the ass. Do not let them pressure you into paying ever, they cannot do that and it's best to just walk away and sort it out the next day when they've had time to sort through everything. In which even then they can't force you to pay for any discrepancies.

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