
Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life

We all have heard this plenty of times, I know I have. I took that advice and started going to school for music. Apologies for this turning into a rambling mess. I know I dont have a chance at performing professionally, but I can at least teach lessons since I enjoy doing that too. I've got one year left of school and can't help but think about how much I hate it now. How could I possibly do this for the rest of my life. Or at least another 40 to 60 years. But what else am I gonna do? There's nothing else I love as much as I loved this, and nothing else I can even consider committing that amount of my life to. Maybe if I didn't have to work so much to pay ridiculous college fees (and I get DISCOUNTED TUITION), I would be less burnt out…

We all have heard this plenty of times, I know I have. I took that advice and started going to school for music. Apologies for this turning into a rambling mess. I know I dont have a chance at performing professionally, but I can at least teach lessons since I enjoy doing that too.

I've got one year left of school and can't help but think about how much I hate it now. How could I possibly do this for the rest of my life. Or at least another 40 to 60 years. But what else am I gonna do? There's nothing else I love as much as I loved this, and nothing else I can even consider committing that amount of my life to.

Maybe if I didn't have to work so much to pay ridiculous college fees (and I get DISCOUNTED TUITION), I would be less burnt out and would be able to handle the politics of the profession and the workload of college.

By the way, WHOSE idea was it to put politics in music? Why does it have to matter who I know and how sociable I am if I can just play really well? Why does it matter if I have tattoos, speak a certain way, or have an opinion differing from someone who is in a higher position of power than myself? I am at the complete mercy of the people who are already established because I need them to teach me and pull me up into a good career, but it won't matter how good or bad my playing is, if they don't like me personally, I'm not going to succeed. I wish I knew this before I got so deep into this or I would have chosen something else.

I find myself burnt out of working a career and I haven't even started it yet, and I don't know what else to move on to. If I could have decent health insurance when I turn 26 (I am very lucky to still be on my parents insurance) I would just drop out and work as a bartender for a few years until I could figure something else out. But I've got health issues and I need to get a job with health insurance before then and its approaching quickly. Becoming a public school teacher is my only option for the foreseeable future with the degree I'm working on now, and we all know that that's going to work wonders on my burnout. I was gonna go to grad school so I could teach college, but with the burnout I dont think I'm going to make it that far.

Am I doing this adult/working thing right?

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