
Do You Believe There Is A Such Thing As An “Ethical Land Lord”.

I see a lot of negative energy toward land lords and I totally get that with the absolute price gouging in some cities. Just wondering if you guys think there are also situations where renting is equitable and is an advantage for both parties involved? I feel like when I was a renter I encountered both. 1) I rented a dumpy trailer for the most the guy could get for it, it wasn't ideal. 2) I rented a garage apartment from a widow in a very quiet and safe neighborhood for a fair price. I really like the viewpoint of many issues on this sub. Just wanted to hear your thoughts.

I see a lot of negative energy toward land lords and I totally get that with the absolute price gouging in some cities. Just wondering if you guys think there are also situations where renting is equitable and is an advantage for both parties involved?

I feel like when I was a renter I encountered both.

1) I rented a dumpy trailer for the most the guy could get for it, it wasn't ideal.

2) I rented a garage apartment from a widow in a very quiet and safe neighborhood for a fair price.

I really like the viewpoint of many issues on this sub. Just wanted to hear your thoughts.

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