
Do You Have a Sibling Wealth Gap?

I've realized that my younger brother will make more money than me for a long time, if not our entire careers. We both have bachelor degrees, and while I've been searching for jobs and been unsuccessful, he's just recently landed a tech job, and either way, I'm happy for him. I want to cope with the fact that our degrees may afford us very different lifestyles, regardless of merit, hard work, or suffering lol. For many reasons, I searched for articles that covered this subject and most had very uninformed takes (blaming poor people for being poor, assuming laziness etc). What I want to know is if the folks from this sub have first hand experience with sibling wealth gaps. Are you the richer, middle-income, or poorer sibling? If you're the richer sibling, are how aware are you of the wealth difference and how has it impacted your sibling relationships?…

I've realized that my younger brother will make more money than me for a long time, if not our entire careers. We both have bachelor degrees, and while I've been searching for jobs and been unsuccessful, he's just recently landed a tech job, and either way, I'm happy for him.

I want to cope with the fact that our degrees may afford us very different lifestyles, regardless of merit, hard work, or suffering lol. For many reasons, I searched for articles that covered this subject and most had very uninformed takes (blaming poor people for being poor, assuming laziness etc).

What I want to know is if the folks from this sub have first hand experience with sibling wealth gaps. Are you the richer, middle-income, or poorer sibling? If you're the richer sibling, are how aware are you of the wealth difference and how has it impacted your sibling relationships? If you're the poorer sibling, how do you handle it?

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