
“Do you know your boyfriend’s social security number?” Gap Inc incentivizes identity theft

“BuT ThAt'S IlLeGaL” – Yeah, tell that to the store managers whose bonuses are based off of Credit Card signups. Here is how it works. All you need to sign someone up for a Gap Credit Card is to “look” at their ID, and know their SSN. You are approved within 2 minutes and your purchase balance can be applied to the account immediately. So, you walk in a customer, and walk out with a little more credit card debt. The associate might get a few more hours scheduled for the week, the shift lead gets props from the store manager, and the store manager gets a bonus. This is the same for Banana, Old Navy, and Athleta. No problem right? WRONG I worked at a Gap in California 2 years ago as a seasonal associate. I was supposed to work there 6 months and left after two because of…

“BuT ThAt'S IlLeGaL” – Yeah, tell that to the store managers whose bonuses are based off of Credit Card signups. Here is how it works.

All you need to sign someone up for a Gap Credit Card is to “look” at their ID, and know their SSN. You are approved within 2 minutes and your purchase balance can be applied to the account immediately. So, you walk in a customer, and walk out with a little more credit card debt. The associate might get a few more hours scheduled for the week, the shift lead gets props from the store manager, and the store manager gets a bonus. This is the same for Banana, Old Navy, and Athleta. No problem right? WRONG

I worked at a Gap in California 2 years ago as a seasonal associate. I was supposed to work there 6 months and left after two because of this BS. Here are my stories:

My first week my shift lead bragged to me about how she signed everyone in her family up for credit cards because its, “its only identity theft if you are actually stealing from them. I never bought anything with the credit cards”. I was young and needed that job so I just nodded and bit my tongue. “You should sign up for one right now, then you get credit and you'll get a sticker on your badge!” Yeeesh.

I didn't understand why someone would be so motivated to sign up for stupid credit cards until I learned that everyone has a goal of signing up FIVE PEOPLE A MONTH. If you don't meet that goal then bye bye hours, and bye bye income.

This shift lead was a piece of work, and the attack dog of the manager. She would openly brag about how her kids trapped her in her marriage, how her husband wouldn't let her “manage” her own credit card debt, and how that justified having a boyfriend. On top of this, she would push the, “But a raise would put you in a higher tax bracket! That means you'd make less money” narrative. Shift lead parroted every fucking thing the manager would tell her, and she used every tool in the shitty manager toolbox so the store manager could keep her hands clean.

Here is what I heard and saw during my 2 month tenure at a struggling Gap store.

1) My shift lead asked me if I knew my BOYFRIEND'S social security number so I could sign him up for a CC and meet my quota. When I said no, she asked If I could find it.

2) I witnesses on multiple occasions, non-english speakers being goaded into typing in their SSNs onto the computer so they could “apply” for the 20% off sale. The mom and daughter spoke some Indian language, and when I told them what they were signing up for was a CREDIT CARD and not a rewards membership they left the store and their purchase on the counter. My Manager kept her hands “clean” and told me that it is, “the job of the customer to protect their best interests and as long as we hand them the credit card brochure then they know that they are getting into”. She was PISSED at me. Even after I explained that they didn't know what they were signing up for and CHANGED their own minds after I explained it.

3) I witnessed a repeat of this event with a Mexican family, and stepped in again. I had a shinier spine this time and sassed my shift lead who was trying to make the sale. Every time she called it a “rewards program” I just repeated louder than her from the other register, “Credit Card!”. God knows how often this actually would happen. I only worked 15 hours a week.

4) A new hire was being pressured into signing up for a CC herself even though she wanted to protect her credit score for a car loan… BECAUSE NEW CREDIT LOWERS YOUR SCORE!

5) COUNTLESS times people were allowed to sign up for CC's with NO IDENTIFICATION in order to qualify for sale promos. COUNTLESS times people were allowed to put purchase balances onto their credit cards that they “forgot at home” by simply telling the cashier their SSN. Whenever customers came to me wanting the same treatment, I would deny the purchase only for my Shift Lead or Manager to apologize and “accommodate” them. BITCH YOU DON'T EVEN NOW WHO THE FUCK THEY ARE!?!

I felt so fucking bad for the people that worked there that were just trying to get by that I never reported what I saw. I wish I had because I now know that I was part of the problem. FUCK STORES THAT INCENTIVIZE CREDIT CARDS! It creates a toxic work environment that incentivizes identity theft and fraud.

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