
Do you think 6 months is enough to make a call?

Hey everybody, I'm currently considering quitting my job and pursuing something I'm more passionate in that pays similar for now. I do enjoy my current work environment and colleagues but the pay is minimum wage and is consistently late 1-2 months. I've been working here for 6 months. Do you think it's too early to make a call, should I be patient and see if things get better, do I try to extend my patience? What are your thoughts?

Hey everybody, I'm currently considering quitting my job and pursuing something I'm more passionate in that pays similar for now. I do enjoy my current work environment and colleagues but the pay is minimum wage and is consistently late 1-2 months. I've been working here for 6 months. Do you think it's too early to make a call, should I be patient and see if things get better, do I try to extend my patience? What are your thoughts?

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