
Do you think lack of civil discourse holds us back?

I know that people come here mostly to rant etc but also I think people do want change. I personally think that change only comes when an idea or ideal is spread and adopted by the majority (or atleast the majority with any power). I think bad discourse cuts this off from happening because it divides people rather than allowing free exchange of ideas. I feel like 10 years ago I could go to work or talk to someone I didn't know, have a different opinion and more often than not they would talk openly or agree to disagree. I really avoid conversation like that at work or anything because I feel like it's super divisive now. Like if you don't support trump you could he labelled as a terrorist or communist etc and if you didn't like Obama then you're racist. (Not saying I hold any of these views).…

I know that people come here mostly to rant etc but also I think people do want change.

I personally think that change only comes when an idea or ideal is spread and adopted by the majority (or atleast the majority with any power). I think bad discourse cuts this off from happening because it divides people rather than allowing free exchange of ideas.

I feel like 10 years ago I could go to work or talk to someone I didn't know, have a different opinion and more often than not they would talk openly or agree to disagree.

I really avoid conversation like that at work or anything because I feel like it's super divisive now. Like if you don't support trump you could he labelled as a terrorist or communist etc and if you didn't like Obama then you're racist. (Not saying I hold any of these views).

I personally think this is really bad, I worked with some people with really boomer views that I totally don't agree with but listening to them helped me understand stuff and even when I didn't agree with them it informed me of how I want to be different e.g giving people younger than me chances etc

So I was wondering, does anyone else think civil discourse is important?

Anyone got tips how I can deal with these scenarios, only advice I've been told is to avoid topics but I'm also told to never talk about pay.

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