
Do you think that if we work hard, people actually take notice?

When I was 24 at my first office job, I had a mean old rich lady for a boss. She said to me once: “everyone is replaceable.” As shitty as that was to hear, I believed her for a long time. Now almost 10 years later, I’m starting to realize how untrue that is. Is a hardworking, flexible pushover like myself really that easily replaceable? Do you believe that you get noticed by your superiors when you work hard, whether or not they reward or praise you for it? Follow up question: how much is a hardworking person worth to a company? I’d like to think we’re worth a lot more than they let on.

When I was 24 at my first office job, I had a mean old rich lady for a boss. She said to me once: “everyone is replaceable.” As shitty as that was to hear, I believed her for a long time. Now almost 10 years later, I’m starting to realize how untrue that is. Is a hardworking, flexible pushover like myself really that easily replaceable? Do you believe that you get noticed by your superiors when you work hard, whether or not they reward or praise you for it? Follow up question: how much is a hardworking person worth to a company? I’d like to think we’re worth a lot more than they let on.

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