
Do you think the pendulum will begin to swing and companies will start valuing “loyal” employees more again?

With a trend towards job hopping every couple years to increase your salary, to hiring difficulties in many industries, to poor performance/laissez faire attitudes from a growing number of employees, and everything else you can name that must be driving middle management and hiring departments crazy, do you think that companies will put greater emphasis on rewarding long term employees again? The growing /r/antiwork movement alone must be concerning for some executives, so I wonder if they try to combat that by actually making their companies worth working for again?

With a trend towards job hopping every couple years to increase your salary, to hiring difficulties in many industries, to poor performance/laissez faire attitudes from a growing number of employees, and everything else you can name that must be driving middle management and hiring departments crazy, do you think that companies will put greater emphasis on rewarding long term employees again? The growing /r/antiwork movement alone must be concerning for some executives, so I wonder if they try to combat that by actually making their companies worth working for again?

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