
Do you think we have a significant problem with misrepresentation in the stories here?

To begin, I agree with the philosophy here. I've been an advocate for workers rights for 3-4 years at this point (I know, I'm not part of the OG antiwork group). This isn't an attack, as much as it's a legitimate question. I fundamentally believe that no one should starve, become homeless, or die of treatable disease for profit. We need reform to fix the many systematic and oppressive issues we face with employment. (my opinion is that workplaces should be democratic until we no longer need to work) I've been in this world long enough to know that every story has 2 sides though. Employers have an incentive to screw over employees, and employees have an incentive to screw over employers. Do you think some members of Antiwork have made a habit out of framing issues to make themselves look favorable? If not, have we created an echo chamber…

To begin, I agree with the philosophy here. I've been an advocate for workers rights for 3-4 years at this point (I know, I'm not part of the OG antiwork group). This isn't an attack, as much as it's a legitimate question.

I fundamentally believe that no one should starve, become homeless, or die of treatable disease for profit. We need reform to fix the many systematic and oppressive issues we face with employment. (my opinion is that workplaces should be democratic until we no longer need to work)

I've been in this world long enough to know that every story has 2 sides though. Employers have an incentive to screw over employees, and employees have an incentive to screw over employers. Do you think some members of Antiwork have made a habit out of framing issues to make themselves look favorable? If not, have we created an echo chamber where people only post situations where they were the victim to karma farm? Or is everything here mostly true (No one can be 100% right), and the workplace has universally gotten as bad as the posts here imply? I have my own thoughts on this, but I'm just one person so I'd like to discuss this with others.

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