
Doctor put me on sedentary work load for a workplace injury yet my job “thinks” this is the same as a light work load

I stepped on a nail at work and the doctor originally put me on full work and on my follow up meeting 2 days later a different doctor was like no not at all. I show my boss my paperwork and he’s like what’s sedentary duty googles it and then was like oh why didn’t she just put light duty. The whole point of me being put on is so that I don’t have to walk or stand on my foot not the weight part of it. They had me doing a job yesterday that requires me to stand and walk the whole time. I know that this is malicious, I was reading the same definition as him when he googled it and he conveniently stopped reading when it started to talk about how much you should stand for, also my previous experiences with this company. What should I even…

I stepped on a nail at work and the doctor originally put me on full work and on my follow up meeting 2 days later a different doctor was like no not at all. I show my boss my paperwork and he’s like what’s sedentary duty googles it and then was like oh why didn’t she just put light duty. The whole point of me being put on is so that I don’t have to walk or stand on my foot not the weight part of it. They had me doing a job yesterday that requires me to stand and walk the whole time. I know that this is malicious, I was reading the same definition as him when he googled it and he conveniently stopped reading when it started to talk about how much you should stand for, also my previous experiences with this company. What should I even do about this

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