
Does anyone care?

Does anyone care about debt or anything right now? With the cost of everything I don’t care about the debts I have outside of my car. I pay all of my utilities and rent on time but I can’t breathe if I let myself worry about any school loans or personal credit card debt. I went through a divorce and pay a shit ton in child support that I can’t afford anything outside of things that would get taken or turned off. What are people doing to afford 5 dollar per gallon of gas? How much longer can we work and live like this?

Does anyone care about debt or anything right now? With the cost of everything I don’t care about the debts I have outside of my car. I pay all of my utilities and rent on time but I can’t breathe if I let myself worry about any school loans or personal credit card debt. I went through a divorce and pay a shit ton in child support that I can’t afford anything outside of things that would get taken or turned off. What are people doing to afford 5 dollar per gallon of gas? How much longer can we work and live like this?

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