
Does anyone else watch those vids of people building clever little houses in the wild, and think “what’s the use, I can’t even afford the land.”

It's like, yes, it is exciting and encouraging that you can do so much with just a machete in the jungle, or with logs in the forest, or with cob. Underground swimming pools! Adorable hobbit houses! Postmodern adobe! Stained glass windows made of recycled bottles, outdoor showers, mud daub pizza ovens. You don't want a McMansion. You'd be so happy with a modest little home. Look, you could even maybe build it yourself with the help of youtube! You watch these vids and it seems so doable, so within reach. Surely you have ample creativity and willingness to learn. For a minute you think, wow I could really do that. But no. Every last square inch of land belongs to somebody. These vids are house porn — the lure of something you can never have.

It's like, yes, it is exciting and encouraging that you can do so much with just a machete in the jungle, or with logs in the forest, or with cob. Underground swimming pools! Adorable hobbit houses! Postmodern adobe!

Stained glass windows made of recycled bottles, outdoor showers, mud daub pizza ovens. You don't want a McMansion. You'd be so happy with a modest little home. Look, you could even maybe build it yourself with the help of youtube!

You watch these vids and it seems so doable, so within reach. Surely you have ample creativity and willingness to learn. For a minute you think, wow I could really do that.

But no. Every last square inch of land belongs to somebody. These vids are house porn — the lure of something you can never have.

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