
Does anyone feel like social media is ruining their view of work?

I just can't stand scrolling through tiktok and instagram and seeing all these “influencers” making thousands and thousands of dollars from posting one ad for a brand. It is extremely discouraging that I have to work a full time job, five days a week, 8 hours a day, it's taking up my entire life and I'm barely scraping by, while these people get PAID to get free stuff & go on expensive vacations… Just complaining, I know. Blah blah blah, life isn't fair. I've heard it all before. It's just annoying that it's flaunted in my face constantly. I guess I could delete social media, but it doesn't change the fact that I know in the back of my mind people out there are making way too much money just posting on social media, still getting to enjoy their lives to the fullest, and I'll never make even half of…

I just can't stand scrolling through tiktok and instagram and seeing all these “influencers” making thousands and thousands of dollars from posting one ad for a brand. It is extremely discouraging that I have to work a full time job, five days a week, 8 hours a day, it's taking up my entire life and I'm barely scraping by, while these people get PAID to get free stuff & go on expensive vacations… Just complaining, I know. Blah blah blah, life isn't fair. I've heard it all before. It's just annoying that it's flaunted in my face constantly. I guess I could delete social media, but it doesn't change the fact that I know in the back of my mind people out there are making way too much money just posting on social media, still getting to enjoy their lives to the fullest, and I'll never make even half of that. It makes the entire premise of work even worse for me, it was already bad enough as it is…

What triggered this is seeing a girl on Youtube who makes so much money for going to Disneyworld every day and vlogging it. Like she lives in a luxury apartment and can buy designer items just for going to an amusement park. How do some people get so lucky.

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