
Does anyone have lazy superiors?

By this I mean supervisors/mangers who sit in the office 90% of the day instead of helping on the sales floor or just goof around when they do come out. They play favoritism and rub it in your face excessively. They Yell at you when you question a single one of their decisions or when you ask basic questions. Ones who expect you to do tons of work yet do barely anything. How do you deal with these folks and does anyone have similar experiences?

By this I mean supervisors/mangers who sit in the office 90% of the day instead of helping on the sales floor or just goof around when they do come out. They play favoritism and rub it in your face excessively. They Yell at you when you question a single one of their decisions or when you ask basic questions.

Ones who expect you to do tons of work yet do barely anything.

How do you deal with these folks and does anyone have similar experiences?

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