
Does anyone know of any official studies conducted showing why not taking jobs has become a trend?

I recently got caught off guard by the opinions of someone close to me. Their stance was a familiar one, just not what I expected to hear from someone I know is intelligent and empathetic. The stance was that all too common “people just don't want to work anymore. Mcdonalds is paying $20 an hour. Pure laziness.” Now, I tried the most common arguments ie people need to pay bills and eat. No one chooses homelessness just because they don't want to work, the whole hours/benefits bait and switch, even got into the stuff about how entry level jobs requiring several years experience and the combative responses to salary inquiries are driving down application rates etc but what it came down to was this person wanted data. Cold hard peer reviewed fact, no anecdotal evidence. I have tried and I found these two resources: I am having a…

I recently got caught off guard by the opinions of someone close to me. Their stance was a familiar one, just not what I expected to hear from someone I know is intelligent and empathetic. The stance was that all too common “people just don't want to work anymore. Mcdonalds is paying $20 an hour. Pure laziness.” Now, I tried the most common arguments ie people need to pay bills and eat. No one chooses homelessness just because they don't want to work, the whole hours/benefits bait and switch, even got into the stuff about how entry level jobs requiring several years experience and the combative responses to salary inquiries are driving down application rates etc but what it came down to was this person wanted data. Cold hard peer reviewed fact, no anecdotal evidence. I have tried and I found these two resources:

I am having a hard time finding others, however. Does anyone have links to studies that have good data to back up/explain the trends we are seeing? This person will not accept anecdotes, opinion pieces or non-fact checked articles.

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