
Does anyone want to work but is disabled and feel like it’s not possible?

I was working for a company, killing myself physically for nothing. My body made me stop and now I am worse off than before. I want to work but I have no idea who would hire me or be ok dealing with all the accommodations I need. I already have been “punished” for needing medical leave, been told my issues are a problem, been denied a promotion. I am working with every government agency that I can (vocational rehab for example) but I genuinely feel f'ed. I actually need a decent salary as I have mountains of medical bills to pay annually despite having extremely good insurance. Eventually, I will need to get shots for my spine in a series out of pocket that prevent further erosion. Like, I have no idea what to do. I physically can't pull it together. The last two days I have been stuck in…

I was working for a company, killing myself physically for nothing. My body made me stop and now I am worse off than before. I want to work but I have no idea who would hire me or be ok dealing with all the accommodations I need. I already have been “punished” for needing medical leave, been told my issues are a problem, been denied a promotion. I am working with every government agency that I can (vocational rehab for example) but I genuinely feel f'ed. I actually need a decent salary as I have mountains of medical bills to pay annually despite having extremely good insurance. Eventually, I will need to get shots for my spine in a series out of pocket that prevent further erosion. Like, I have no idea what to do. I physically can't pull it together. The last two days I have been stuck in bed. I want to be a part of things, I want to contribute, but I don't think it's possible. So what are my options? Wait and pray for SSDI? I WANT TO DO SOMETHING WITH MY LIFE.

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