
Does being a “job hopper” really a bad thing?

So, I have lasted at a job for roughly a year or less at any of my previous and current jobs. I am going to be leaving my current job that I started last February by either December or January at the latest (it pays a little more than my current job though it's not remote). However I know some employers would look at this as a big negative. Is is a bad thing to take opportunities or leave certain jobs that don't work out (or in some cases were only temporary) or should we stick out at out current jobs because employers want to see longevity and don't think you'll leave them in 6 months for another job if hired

So, I have lasted at a job for roughly a year or less at any of my previous and current jobs. I am going to be leaving my current job that I started last February by either December or January at the latest (it pays a little more than my current job though it's not remote).
However I know some employers would look at this as a big negative. Is is a bad thing to take opportunities or leave certain jobs that don't work out (or in some cases were only temporary) or should we stick out at out current jobs because employers want to see longevity and don't think you'll leave them in 6 months for another job if hired

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