
Does everyone hate their job?

Genuine question. Bit of backstory; I work at a VERY big, widely used semiconductor production/R&D fabricator and it’s been my dream to work here since I was a kid. Even though I work through a contractor, in a department I didn’t even know existed. I’ve been here only 3 months and I’m miserable, there was little to no training other than a weeks worth of generic OSHA safety videos, and I’m literally expected to sit in my cubicle all day waiting to be told to go set up red danger tape and warning signs, occasionally bringing a toolbox or some other tool to the job site for preventative maintenance. Then I walk back to the cubicles and continue to sit for my 12hr shift, not allowed to do anything to keep myself entertained. All my coworkers seem to know a lot more about everything than I do even though we’re…

Genuine question. Bit of backstory;
I work at a VERY big, widely used semiconductor production/R&D fabricator and it’s been my dream to work here since I was a kid. Even though I work through a contractor, in a department I didn’t even know existed. I’ve been here only 3 months and I’m miserable, there was little to no training other than a weeks worth of generic OSHA safety videos, and I’m literally expected to sit in my cubicle all day waiting to be told to go set up red danger tape and warning signs, occasionally bringing a toolbox or some other tool to the job site for preventative maintenance. Then I walk back to the cubicles and continue to sit for my 12hr shift, not allowed to do anything to keep myself entertained. All my coworkers seem to know a lot more about everything than I do even though we’re all given the same resources, as they come from similar backgrounds and I came from Target. I’m not learning anything, I’m depressed, and I’m expected to magically learn this information when no one is willing to teach or answer questions. I’m tempted to go back to target for less money, less hours, but at least I’d be busy and doing something. Does everyone feel this way, even when finding your “dream job”?

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