
Does it sound like my boss will try to guilt trip me?

I posted a few weeks ago about my boss being nice to me all of a sudden when he has been a passive aggressive jerk for quite some time. I was very suspicious of his behavior and decided to look for another job. Before going outside I thought it might be a good idea to look internally. Our company has a fucked up policy that requires you to inform your supervisor if you are looking for an internal transfer and I did. I have a feeling he will take it personally, but this was his response. Me: Hope you are well.   I just wanted to  notify you s  about my interest in another  position that would probably be a better fit for me given my skills and abilities.  I intend on submitting a request and wanted to inform you beforehand as to not catch you off guard. Let me know…

I posted a few weeks ago about my boss being nice to me all of a sudden when he has been a passive aggressive jerk for quite some time. I was very suspicious of his behavior and decided to look for another job. Before going outside I thought it might be a good idea to look internally. Our company has a fucked up policy that requires you to inform your supervisor if you are looking for an internal transfer and I did. I have a feeling he will take it personally, but this was his response.

Me: Hope you are well.   I just wanted to  notify you s  about my interest in another  position that would probably be a better fit for me given my skills and abilities.  I intend on submitting a request and wanted to inform you beforehand as to not catch you off guard. Let me know if you have any questions.

Him: Thanks for letting me know.  I wish this position was the fit you were looking for given your skills and abilities, but certainly understand.  If you need me to put in a good word on the request just let me know if I can help.

I certainly don't trust him at all and do not plan on trying to use a current boss as a reference. If anything, it was more so to put him on notice that I am on my way out (whether internally or externally) It is also right before busy season. My boss does not advocate for me and treats me differently.

He is the jerk who wanted me to go to lunch with my coworker (who are salaried) while I am the only one in our division who has to clock in and out. Basically by the time I drove to the lunch with the gang I would have already used up my time and in turn would have had to stay later at work to make it up so to speak. He allows another manager to mistreat me and micro manage me and does nothing about it. I am super annoyed by it because he won't take a stand. I knew I should have left back in Dec. when he pulled this shit, but I stayed hoping he would go to bat for his people, but that did not happen.

What are your thoughts?

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