
Does my boss want me to resign?

I haven't had a raise in almost 2 years. Based on working with my colleagues and my own personal experience, I have become significantly faster and better at my job. This is mainly due to my own doing outside of work (extra courses, new skills, freelancing) and then sometimes during work (not freelancing) when it's slow. Management has yet to acknowledge these efforts, positively or negatively. A few months ago we hired my now colleague (who my bosses notified me the same day) I began training my first day back from maternity leave. I did have some swelling issues during pregnancy and worked remote to keep the swelling down/feet elevated, along with the normally scheduled checkups. (My bosses are strict on being in-office as much as possible) Sometimes I wonder if I am being “punished” for having been pregnant and now having a family outside of work. Before being pregnant…

I haven't had a raise in almost 2 years. Based on working with my colleagues and my own personal experience, I have become significantly faster and better at my job. This is mainly due to my own doing outside of work (extra courses, new skills, freelancing) and then sometimes during work (not freelancing) when it's slow. Management has yet to acknowledge these efforts, positively or negatively.

A few months ago we hired my now colleague (who my bosses notified me the same day) I began training my first day back from maternity leave. I did have some swelling issues during pregnancy and worked remote to keep the swelling down/feet elevated, along with the normally scheduled checkups. (My bosses are strict on being in-office as much as possible) Sometimes I wonder if I am being “punished” for having been pregnant and now having a family outside of work. Before being pregnant I was able to work later as needed. While pregnant and after delivering, I've always offered to continue work once I was home if it was necessary.

I can't shake the feeling my bosses are just taking advantage of me “at a bargain price” for what I should be making. I've been actively job hunting the last few months, because I'm afraid if I were to bring this issue up with my bosses, the second that meeting is over is when they'd start looking for my replacement. I don't feel I can be honest with them in telling them I feel severely undervalued and recently I've been just doing the bare minimum (or quiet quitting as the kids say these days), so I can focus my energy on my next role.

TL;DR: Am I not good enough to be given a raise? Am I not “bad” enough to be let go?

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