
Does my company owe me proof that I was cleared of allegations?

I was working at a childcare center for a few months and was with a co teacher that was pretty incompetent. The more kids we got in our class, the harder it became to manage the whole class and my co teacher. Eventually I approached the center's director and asked to be moved to a different class, but after months of assuring me she was figuring it out since she acknowledged i was doing more than just my own job, nothing had changed and she was still adding kids to our class. Finally I went over her head and spoke with the school's owner, whose strategy was to bully my coteacher using all the info I had told her about why I wanted to move classrooms in the hope that my coteacher would opt to switch centers (I really wasn't try to make waves or throw my coteacher under the…

I was working at a childcare center for a few months and was with a co teacher that was pretty incompetent. The more kids we got in our class, the harder it became to manage the whole class and my co teacher.

Eventually I approached the center's director and asked to be moved to a different class, but after months of assuring me she was figuring it out since she acknowledged i was doing more than just my own job, nothing had changed and she was still adding kids to our class.

Finally I went over her head and spoke with the school's owner, whose strategy was to bully my coteacher using all the info I had told her about why I wanted to move classrooms in the hope that my coteacher would opt to switch centers (I really wasn't try to make waves or throw my coteacher under the bus, as she was definitely the vengeful type)

Well, sure enough, an hour after my coteacher was called into the office, I got called in and was told my coteacher had alleged that I was being violent with the children and that I was being suspended until they could complete an investigation. All my other coworkers were shocked, and even the director was apologizing profusely as she sent me home, saying “my heart is breaking for you,” “we all know this is bogus, but my hands are tied” etc .

Got a call later that night that with a few phone calls the owner was able to discern that the allegations were totally unfounded and that she would switch me to a new classroom the next day. At that point I had the wherewithal to use up my sick days and then quit.

I was pretty shook by the whole thing, so only now, about 3 months later am I looking at jobs in the field again. I called to try and obtain some form of documentation from the old center that I had been cleared of the allegations, but they have been giving me the run around.

Are they obligated to share that with me? I really don't want these bogus allegations following me around at all and I'd sleep much better if I had some evidence that they were officially “completely unfounded” as the owner put it. Am I entitled to that at all? Or I am worrying for nothing? I don't know how to think about this

(I live in New York City if that matters)

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