
Does salary = overtime expected?

I'm in my first job post college. We were supposed to be hourly the first year but then management had us reapply to the position because they “changed HR management systems” which obviously I knew was a red flag. Come to find out they changed us from hourly to salaried. When I started, they talked about it being intense at first and a “steep learning curve”, but I can see on Skype that people even years in work very late most nights (we start at 8am) and weekends. And if you dont, you have so much work youll never finish by the deadlines given. Is this common? do most salaried jobs seem to implicitly expect unpaid overtime? I do work at a large bank but I didn't expect this since I'm not in investment banking, auditing, or consulting. I've thought about setting up boundaries but it's clear that no one…

I'm in my first job post college. We were supposed to be hourly the first year but then management had us reapply to the position because they “changed HR management systems” which obviously I knew was a red flag. Come to find out they changed us from hourly to salaried. When I started, they talked about it being intense at first and a “steep learning curve”, but I can see on Skype that people even years in work very late most nights (we start at 8am) and weekends. And if you dont, you have so much work youll never finish by the deadlines given. Is this common? do most salaried jobs seem to implicitly expect unpaid overtime? I do work at a large bank but I didn't expect this since I'm not in investment banking, auditing, or consulting. I've thought about setting up boundaries but it's clear that no one else does.

Also does anyone know of any normal 9-5 jobs that don't expect overtime, pay well, and have career advancement for someone with an Econ degree? Lol

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