
Does this independent contractor agreement sound right?

I have been working fulltime online for almost a month as a teacher at a small private school that just launched an online campus. They have been very disorganized etc., and the other teachers and I have only now been presented with our work contracts. The pay is only 15 dollars an hour and the contract seems odd and maybe even hostile to me. It states that I am in independent contractor and that I won't be supervised, but on the addendum page it states that I will be supervised and that I will have to do whatever the principal assigns me to do, that I'll need to attend all weekend and after-hours meetings and fundraisers, etc. It doesn't specify the subject I teach, which makes me think they're trying to reserve the right to pile on a bunch of extra subjects if it suits them. The main thing that…

I have been working fulltime online for almost a month as a teacher at a small private school that just launched an online campus. They have been very disorganized etc., and the other teachers and I have only now been presented with our work contracts. The pay is only 15 dollars an hour and the contract seems odd and maybe even hostile to me. It states that I am in independent contractor and that I won't be supervised, but on the addendum page it states that I will be supervised and that I will have to do whatever the principal assigns me to do, that I'll need to attend all weekend and after-hours meetings and fundraisers, etc. It doesn't specify the subject I teach, which makes me think they're trying to reserve the right to pile on a bunch of extra subjects if it suits them. The main thing that sounds odd to me is that it states they can terminate the contract if they want, but if I try to terminate or abandon it, I will need to pay a fine of 2,500 dollars. I think this sounds unacceptable. Am I wrong?

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