
“Donald Trump” works at my company

Sorry if this is not an appropriate post – Mods, delete if you must. We have an executive who talks exactly like Donald Trump. Makes stuff up, lies, talks like he's an expert when he clearly has no idea on a topic, responds to questions with a lot of circular logic and not actually addressing anything. When he's promoting something, it's the best and the biggest and something that no one else has thought of and it will transform everything. Oh and nothing is his fault, it's always someone else's screw-up. The thing is that everyone just lets it go. NO ONE is stepping up to him, challenging him, questioning things. Whenever I try to question something, I just get shot down because “he's a senior exec,” “you don't want him as your enemy,” “it won't do anything productive,” “it'll just mess up your career.” I can't wait to retire…

Sorry if this is not an appropriate post – Mods, delete if you must.

We have an executive who talks exactly like Donald Trump. Makes stuff up, lies, talks like he's an expert when he clearly has no idea on a topic, responds to questions with a lot of circular logic and not actually addressing anything. When he's promoting something, it's the best and the biggest and something that no one else has thought of and it will transform everything. Oh and nothing is his fault, it's always someone else's screw-up. The thing is that everyone just lets it go. NO ONE is stepping up to him, challenging him, questioning things. Whenever I try to question something, I just get shot down because “he's a senior exec,” “you don't want him as your enemy,” “it won't do anything productive,” “it'll just mess up your career.”

I can't wait to retire and get out of this ratrace.

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