
done working for breadcrumbs.

I'm tired of working my behind off for so little and having nothing to show for it. More than half my life has been totally wasted making some big shot ceo wealthy while I got nothing but crumbs. I've struggled with continuing health problems on top of it. Most days I either am dealing with my stomach that no longer functions or back and knees in pain. When I get out of work I go home to nothing but my health issues and needing to use ice packs on my back and legs. My main reason that I even work where I do is because I'm sick but not sick enough for disability. I'm onto my 21st or 22nd stomach doctor this week and hope that he will have answers since the others were clueless. Now I'll tell you why I mentioned breadcrumbs. Whether this doctor helps Me or not…

I'm tired of working my behind off for so little and having nothing to show for it. More than half my life has been totally wasted making some big shot ceo wealthy while I got nothing but crumbs. I've struggled with continuing health problems on top of it. Most days I either am dealing with my stomach that no longer functions or back and knees in pain. When I get out of work I go home to nothing but my health issues and needing to use ice packs on my back and legs. My main reason that I even work where I do is because I'm sick but not sick enough for disability. I'm onto my 21st or 22nd stomach doctor this week and hope that he will have answers since the others were clueless.
Now I'll tell you why I mentioned breadcrumbs. Whether this doctor helps Me or not I need to find a way to start my own business. The problem there is the business I want I can't afford on my own. But settling on any business might have to be it. I just don't know if buying a random business will help me . I don't know what to do but I know I'm done working for breadcrumbs and having nothing to show for it. All opinions are welcome since I don't know what to do I just know I am beyond fed up with the way my life has gone.

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