
Don’t buy a newspaper if you don’t have business sense!?!?!?

Ok I need some advice/ideas. I started helping out with a local metaphysical newspaper. I have a masters in journalism and have been writing for over 15 years…so yes I have experience. I was a writer for them and got paid for writing once it got off its feet. It was great! kaboom it got sold to a new person who felt like she could handle it. Suffice it to say she made me editor and started having me get things ready for each paper. Flag 1: she couldn’t pay the writers, Flag 2: she started changing dates and submissions times. Flag 4: she has all these ideas that she wants to improve the paper…yet she has no business acumen to pull out off. So I’m basically getting yelled at for doing exactly what she says, I’m getting yelled at for fixing articles to make them newspaper ready…. I’m one…

Ok I need some advice/ideas. I started helping out with a local metaphysical newspaper. I have a masters in journalism and have been writing for over 15 years…so yes I have experience. I was a writer for them and got paid for writing once it got off its feet. It was great!
kaboom it got sold to a new person who felt like she could handle it. Suffice it to say she made me editor and started having me get things ready for each paper. Flag 1: she couldn’t pay the writers, Flag 2: she started changing dates and submissions times. Flag 4: she has all these ideas that she wants to improve the paper…yet she has no business acumen to pull out off.
So I’m basically getting yelled at for doing exactly what she says, I’m getting yelled at for fixing articles to make them newspaper ready….
I’m one of those people pleasers, but dang I have my limit. Do I just say, f-off and do my own thing…or give her a time period?
And no…I am not getting paid for any of this.

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