
Don’t Just Quit

Throwaway account. I worked for a large company for over 14 years. Used to love the job thoroughly from the good work culture, the respect, the customers, the pay, etc. The company moved around a bunch of territories and I ended up with a terrible manager. I tried to make the best of the situation for a few months and it came to a boiling point where I was about to quit. I decided that I did not like the way I was treated and decided that I wanted more than just a “FU” to the company. I knew I had a few good references from the previous management already too. I went on stress leave where I did 0 work and got paid about 85% of my regular pay for almost a year and got fired for “no cause” when I got back, which meant a very “amicable” descent.…

Throwaway account. I worked for a large company for over 14 years. Used to love the job thoroughly from the good work culture, the respect, the customers, the pay, etc. The company moved around a bunch of territories and I ended up with a terrible manager. I tried to make the best of the situation for a few months and it came to a boiling point where I was about to quit. I decided that I did not like the way I was treated and decided that I wanted more than just a “FU” to the company. I knew I had a few good references from the previous management already too. I went on stress leave where I did 0 work and got paid about 85% of my regular pay for almost a year and got fired for “no cause” when I got back, which meant a very “amicable” descent.

Don't just quit.

A few tips: 1. To go on stress leave, contact your insurance company for the documentation and then go to a doctor to have him fill out the paperwork. This will cost $150 and is the only expense in this. Once you have his filled out paperwork, send HR an email which says “I am going on medical leave immediately” You do not have to say why at all. They will submit their paperwork to the insurance company and the insurance company will ask for your and your doctors paperwork. Your insurance company will call you to ask general questions on why you need to go on leave. You can keep extending the time for up to 1 year. After that, you would be put on Long term disability, which has it's own ups and downs. You can use your benefits to pay for therapy sessions on a monthly basis.

  1. If you want to get fired, do so with “no cause” so you can get Unemployment/EI *at the very least*.. chances are that you will do better than this, however (if you have been there for a while and depending on your state/province). Just let it known very subtly that you were bullied and had to deal with drama, etc just before you get back from leave.

  2. Document and send any treatening/condescending/bullying emails (send to private email). And if your state/province allows, record and document phone conversations if you want to be super safe.

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