
Don’t know how much more I can take

I feel drained, tired and apathetic about my job. Today, I've come to work and my general manager didn't even rota someone to he here for 1 hour so it was supposed to be me alone in my pub on a nice warm day when it could have been really busy. Luckily, it wasn't, and my coworker (an assistant manager), stayed an extra hour. Even then, the time I was supposed to have an hour break, only 1 other person was supposed to start. It's just ticked me off and made me feel so frustrated that things aren't managed properly and not enough care is given for us. Also, I haven't been getting paid correctly for months and my manager said he'd update it in April (new UK financial year), but I just realised that my pay should go up anyway to match the new living costs. I'm just so…

I feel drained, tired and apathetic about my job. Today, I've come to work and my general manager didn't even rota someone to he here for 1 hour so it was supposed to be me alone in my pub on a nice warm day when it could have been really busy. Luckily, it wasn't, and my coworker (an assistant manager), stayed an extra hour. Even then, the time I was supposed to have an hour break, only 1 other person was supposed to start. It's just ticked me off and made me feel so frustrated that things aren't managed properly and not enough care is given for us.

Also, I haven't been getting paid correctly for months and my manager said he'd update it in April (new UK financial year), but I just realised that my pay should go up anyway to match the new living costs. I'm just so tired with all the bs and I'm gonna write my manager a letter when I have time and give him a few ultimatums. Will update. I wanted to stay here until university in September, but I guess I'll have to look for a new job early now.

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