
Don’t know what to do anymore

So I graduated in special education a couple of months ago. I worked my butt off all through school and was struggling financially on students loans. Ever since I have graduated, I have struggled to find work in my field. I was drowning in more debt and bills were pilling up so I ended up taking a job at a daycare center until I found something in my field. It's only 20 hours a week and doesn't pay that well but I mean it's better than nothing right? Well I just finished my first week and it was an absolute nightmare. My role is to mainly take care of a specific child is the group that has major behavior problems. But this is just too much. I get hit daily ALL day long. In just one week my arms are completely scratched up from top to bottom and my legs…

So I graduated in special education a couple of months ago. I worked my butt off all through school and was struggling financially on students loans. Ever since I have graduated, I have struggled to find work in my field. I was drowning in more debt and bills were pilling up so I ended up taking a job at a daycare center until I found something in my field. It's only 20 hours a week and doesn't pay that well but I mean it's better than nothing right?

Well I just finished my first week and it was an absolute nightmare. My role is to mainly take care of a specific child is the group that has major behavior problems. But this is just too much. I get hit daily ALL day long. In just one week my arms are completely scratched up from top to bottom and my legs are all bruised up from the constant hitting from this child. My back hurts from constantly having to carry her to the ''calming area'' because this child refuses to walk to it and continues to throw chairs and everything else that puts other kids at risk. I am exhausted and feel so bummed. I have already been feeling so stressed and depressed from my personal situation but this just makes me feel more depressed. I just hate this job so bad.

To put the cherry on top, my boss is making me pay from my own pocket for my criminal background check that is mandatory at her daycare and my boss says my first aid class isn't the right one needed to work there so I need to retake the correct one and pay it from my own pockets yet again. I won't even be able to make it financially this month because of that (it was already so tight financially). That's alot out my already small paycheck AND i'll have to miss a day of work to retake this first aid class. I just want to leave the job but don't know what else i'll do to cover bills.

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